Important Federal Advocacy Opportunity

Tell Congress: Protect Medicaid

People with disabilities deserve to continue living meaningful and fulfilling lives integrated into their communities. Medicaid waiver makes it happen.

Potential Medicaid Cuts On the Federal Level Could Harm the People We Serve

Your Voice Matters

We encourage you to reach out to your member of the United States House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives is currently exploring potential Medicaid cuts at the federal level which could significantly impact Virginia. Right now, there is a proposal under the House Budget Reconciliation to cut 880 billion dollars from Medicaid. The Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees Medicaid, is reviewing these cuts. 50% of the funding for waiver services comes from the federal government. For children, adults, and families who are part of Medicaid expansion, 90% of the funding comes from the federal government. Reductions in Medicaid funding could have consequences for the important services Virginians need.

The Arc of Virginia and The Arc of the United States have put together great resources, including fact sheets and easy ways to contact legislators. Below are links to key pages where you can find more information and take action. The first hand accounts of self-advocates living with disabilities are important testimonies for decision makers to hear. Providers, DSPs, program staff, and the family and friends of people with disabilities also have powerful insight to share. We encourage you, if comfortable, to make your advocacy personal by sharing your story. 

Although calling your representatives is the most effective way to get their attention right now, any advocacy, whether through calls, emails, or letters, helps.

These Services Matter. People With Disabilities Matter.

Advocacy Information and Tools

The Arc of the United States Action Tool

The Arc of the United States developed this tool that allows you to easily contact your correct member of Congress via email, twitter, or phone. It also includes sample scripts and language to help guide you.

Tell Congress: Medicaid Is a Lifeline for People With Disabilities!


Find Your Member of Congress

For those who prefer to identify and reach a member of Congress without going through The Arc sites, this link on the government’s site will allow you to do so. – Find Your Member Tool


Arc of Virginia Advocacy Information

The Arc of Virginia’s site has excellent fact sheets with easy links to identify, email, and/or call.

Protect Medicaid!

Arc of Virginia 2025 Medicaid Advocacy Packet