Group Homes in Virginia

Group Homes for Adults with Disabilities

We offer two service models for group homes. Many of the Wall Residences group home licensed services are provided in the home of a family provider. Several of our family providers have large homes, extensive professional and managerial experience, and several back-up workers to help provide services to up to four people in a home. The professional family and the individuals with disabilities are thoroughly integrated in a large family unit with participation in all of the usual family and community activities that are available to any other community citizen.

The second group home model is based upon the traditional shift based model for people who do not choose to live in a family environment. This model is favored by the individual who prefers or needs the more varied involvement of support of staff who come into the home on a shift-scheduled arrangement. Services in this model are designed to group people who are compatible to live together and may be able to offer peer emotional support. This model of service may be suited to support people who require a more intense level of support, particularly at night, which may overburden a sponsored provider family.

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Client Referral Form

“I could not be more pleased with the care my aunt has received since we moved her to Willow Lake (Wall Residences group home).  Don and Debbie Carter and their staff treat each of the residents with the utmost care and respect.  They are extremely sensitive to their needs and creative with their activities. The peace of mind and comfort it gives me knowing my loved one is so well taken care of and valued as an individual is beyond anything I could have hoped for.”

~ Janet C Boyst

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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