Wall Community Options: Community Engagement & Coaching

Activities Program for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in Virginia

Wall Community Options (formerly WRAP or Wall Residences Activity Program), is a community engagement and coaching service directed by the individual and their person centered plan.  The program supports adults with intellectual disabilities to acquire, retain, or improve skills necessary to build positive social behavior, interpersonal competence, greater independence, employ-ability, and personal choice. The program is designed to optimize a person’s initiative, autonomy, and independence.

Community Engagement

The program provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships in the community, utilizing the community as a learning environment.  Activities are conducted at naturally occurring times in a variety of natural settings, affording the individual ample opportunities to interact with persons without disabilities (other than those paid to provide support).  Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are matched with individuals to provide support for meaningful planned activities.

Services are offered in small groups in the larger community across Virginia. Wall Community Options services are provided based on the needs and preferences of the individual being served under the direction of a Wall Residences Coordinator and the Direct Support Professionals (DSP) involved.

The activity schedule for the people who receive services is individualized based on their personal preferences routines and support needs. The individual participates in the development of their plan and schedule and is expected to participate in services as planned unless they are ill or other unusual circumstances arise. The individuals supported by Wall Residences are expected to function as independently as possible and to continue learning new skills. A schedule of activities created with the individuals input is matched with community DSP’s utilizing scheduling software. Opportunities to participate in the larger community are endless.

Coaching Services for Adults with Disabilities and/or Mental Illness in Virginia

Individuals who need 1 on 1 support in order to build a specific skill or set of skills to address a particular barrier preventing them from participating in community engagement can be provided this level of support.  This service is a bridge to the individual’s ability to participate in a more fully integrated community engagement service.

Types of Activities:

  • Volunteer work – at a food pantry, community clean up, or other neighborhood service
  • Learning experiences and activities –  books on tape, book clubs and art classes, self-help classes
  • Joining community organizations
  • Recreation – swimming, bowling, dancing, movies
  • Peer support groups
  • Shopping
  • Maintain health and wellness – walking, gym membership, and sports activities
  • Personal care – hair styling, having nails done
  • Spirituality – worship, meditation, yoga classes
  • Hobbies –  pet care (walking the dog), gardening, painting, photography
  • Employment support – help on the job with things such as navigating social cues, establishing priorities, managing time, or micro business development.

Community collaboration and social connections are developed to support a person with:

  • Development of self-advocacy skills
  • Exercising civil rights
  • Acquisition of skills that promote the ability to exercise self-control and responsibility over services and supports received or needed
  • Acquisition of skills that enable the individual to become more independent, integrated or productive in the community
  • Development of communication skills and abilities
  • Furthering spiritual practices
  • Participation in cultural activities
  • Participation in vocational pursuits
  • Development of appropriate work attitudes
  • Development of living skills

Workplace Assistance

It is expected that all individuals will explore employment opportunities first.  The people supported by Wall Residences are valued people who have gifts to contribute to the larger community. It is important that the individual be encouraged to find ways to spend some of their day in a paid job. Support can be provided to begin a “micro business” such as raising chickens to provide eggs to sell to neighbors or starting a pet sitting business, as examples. Workplace assistance supports an individual with maintaining employment.  Workplace assistance services can be provided to someone who has completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than typical job coach services to maintain stabilization in their employment.  This service is supplemental to job coach services; the job coach still provides professional over-site and coaching. The service supports an individual with maintaining employment.  Workplace assistance services can be provided to someone who has completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than typical job coach services to maintain stabilization in their employment.  This service is supplemental to job coach services. The job coach still provides professional over-site and coaching.

Client Referral Form

I could not be more pleased with the care my aunt has received since we moved her to Willow Lake (Wall Residences group home). Don and Debbie Carter and their staff treat each of the residents with the utmost care and respect. They are extremely sensitive to their needs and creative with their activities. The peace of mind and comfort it gives me knowing my loved one is so well taken care of and valued as an individual is beyond anything I could have hoped for.

~Janet C. Boyst

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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