Gloucester, VA - Residential Support - Serving disabilities in virginia with sponsored residential support and group homes in virginia

Amanda and Daniel Smith

Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible
Medically Trained Medically Trained
Behavioral Training Behavioral Training
Pet Friendly Pet Friendly
Mental Health Background Mental Health Background

Gloucester, Virginia

For information on available services, please call: Heather Risener (804) 819-9820

Amanda and Daniel Smith are experienced Direct Support Professionals at Wall Residences and have a mental health background. Amanda has over a decade of experience working in the medical field including Metal Health Facilities. Daniel is an electrician and owner of a local electrical company. The Smiths are active members of their church, volunteering regularly with the children’s ministry and traveling to other countries for Mission trips.

The couple enjoys spending time with friends and family, being outdoors, going on walks, camping, hiking, boating, and fishing. They enjoy game and movie nights, family dinners, and exploring new places. They enjoy traveling for vacations, beaches, parks, and amusement parks. They hope to include an individual in their adventures and activities. Their home is shared with their three children: Minnie, a senior in high school, and Holland and Hadassah, twins in middle school. Additionally, they share their home with lots of pets. They have two large labs named Sampson and Penny, a rescue dog named Luna, a red eared slider turtle named Marley, a cat named Nemo, a bearded dragon named Xerxes, and a leopard gecko named Ella.

Amanda and Daniel are friendly, patient, compassionate, and family oriented. They believe in living a life close to God, nature, and in servitude. Their goal is to welcome someone into their home and share new experiences with them. The Smiths stated, “everyone deserves to live a life that is full of opportunities to find what they love and to live in peace. Especially those with different abilities. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of you/or your loved one’s life.”

Their home in Gloucester, Virginia is in a quiet neighborhood on a cul-de-sac. Their house is a large ranch style home with six bedrooms and three bathrooms. The living room is spacious and open, and the dining room has high ceilings with solar lights, skylights, and lots of natural lighting. The back yard is large and fenced in with a deck and sitting area for enjoyment. Their yard is the perfect place for outdoor gatherings such as barbecues. Their home is in close proximity to areas of enjoyment.

Additional Features:

  • Nearby shopping, restaurants, art classes, and a nice library
  • Near Beaver Dam State Park and Machicomoco State Park
  • 5 minutes from the Gloucester courthouse
  • 45 minutes from Busch Gardens and Water Country
  • 30 minutes from the historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.

Other Available Homes in Middle Pen/Northern Neck, Virginia

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Orfilia Guevara and Federico Bogado
Angela Justice

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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