In-Home Supports

In-Home Supports for Adults and Children

This program provides support to individuals living in their own home, either by themselves, with their natural family, with a partner, or with a friend(s). In this program, the individual’s, and where applicable, the family’s, strengths and needs are assessed to determine how the person can best be supported to live as independently as possible, with the maximum quality of life within their own home and community. Individuals who live on their own must be able to function independently most of the time, be able to identify and avoid danger, and know when and how to call for help. Wall Residences provides this service for individuals and families willing to assist in the directing of the service, including identifying, hiring, supervising, and scheduling of caregiver staff. This service can be provided to people of all ages and considered for those who are not yet 18 on a case-by-case basis.

Client Referral Form

“I’ve worked for this company since 2009 as a DSP Residential Care Provider. It’s the most rewarding employment experience I’ve ever had! It’s not easy; it’s a lifestyle. But I am grateful for the opportunity and experience. My life, my family’s life, and many of the lives of those I have been privileged to serve are better because of my affiliation with Wall Residences!”

~ Fran Vinson, Wall Residences provider

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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