Services for Individuals with Mental Illness in Virginia

Residential Care Through Family Providers and Group Homes

Long-Term Mental Illness Support for Adults in Virginia

The intensive services provided by our sponsored residential and group home models are often appropriate to meet the needs of individuals with a long term mental illness, in particular, those who are returning to the community from a state or private facility placement. The support service provided is individualized according to the needs and preferences of the individual as outlined in the plan for support.

Placements in these services are carefully considered for compatibility and safety of others already living in the environment. A Qualified Mental Health Professional provides training for staff on the needs of the individual and the nature of the mental illness through ongoing supervision. In-service training, when appropriate, is provided on the nature of various mental illnesses, treatments, and support appropriate to each mental illness category.

All individuals in our services benefit from the positive emotional support and opportunities for self-expression offered in Wall Residences services. We offer many preventative mental health services such as formally organized “circles of support” to help a person become better connected to their community through relationship building and through fulfilling social activities in the community.

The family provider model offers a high level of consistency and continuity to serve persons with a mental illness. The professional family is trained to become an expert on the unique causes and manifestations of the mental illness of each person in their service.

In some cases, the family provider model is not appropriate due to the intensity of the illness, and may cause rapid burnout for workers. In these cases, a shift-based model may be developed to support the individual.

Client Referral Form

“I’ve worked for this company since 2009 as a DSP Residential Care Provider. It’s the most rewarding employment experience I’ve ever had! It’s not easy; it’s a lifestyle. But I am grateful for the opportunity and experience. My life, my family’s life, and many of the lives of those I have been privileged to serve are better because of my affiliation with Wall Residences!”

~ Fran Vinson, Wall Residences provider

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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