Nursing Support in Virginia

Serving Individuals with Disabilities in Residential and In-Home Settings

Nursing Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Regional RN Care Managers- who function as consultants for their assigned regions. Duties include consultation, protocol development, quality assurance reviews, various nurse delegated competency training, support, guidance, and collaboration with all services and levels of staff, family, and individual advocates. The RNCM provides advocacy for optimum care and medical interventions which may be person-specific or to improve systems of care.  

Skilled Nursing- may be provided with a medical provider order and is approved through Medicaid. This service of nursing is individual-specific and may take place daily to monthly based on the person’s needs. It is supported by a nursing care plan which is individualized and person-centered, and a part of the Plan for Support. This service is specific to an individual’s clinical and functional needs.

Private Duty Nursing– is used minimally to support individuals with intensive care needs and is supported with a nursing care plan which addresses the care tasks essential to a person’s health and safety. This level of nursing also requires a medical provider order for Medicaid approval and is supervised by the RN Care Manager for the individual’s region. 

Potential Indications of Nursing Service Needs:

Adults with disabilities have health needs related and unrelated to physical or mental disabilities. Wall Residences thrives to provide well-rounded and comprehensive care for individuals across the state of Virginia. This includes helping adults with disabilities find the nursing services they need.

Common reasons for seeking nursing care include conditions such as:

  • Diabetes (all types, with or without insulin orders)
  • Seizure disorders with Diastat medication orders or VNS
  • Constipation with history of impaction/obstruction
  • G-tube/J-tube/ Ileostomy/colostomy/ urostomy
  • Hypotonic/paralytic bladder requiring urinary catheterization
  • Orders for O2 or suction
  • Tracheotomy, ventilator
  • End stage renal disease/Renal failure requiring dialysis treatment
  • Recurrent/chronic wounds/skin breakdown 
  • Pain control needs
  • Frequent falling

Client Referral Form

I can’t tell you enough how wonderful sponsored placement provider, Diane Wade, is with our son. She is so good with him. She is the perfect match and we feel so blessed. She takes great care of him. After being in many therapeutic settings, Diane’s is the first placement he has considered his home. Our family is so grateful he is so happy! It is such a relief to know that he his cared for and loved. They are quite a match!

~Kate Houff, parent

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

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