For information on available services, please call: Ashea Green (202) 760-6411
LaDonna Byrd lives in a subdivision in Stafford, Virginia in a two-story home that is centrally located near recreation, shopping centers, and I-95. The Byrd home offers a private bedroom that can be decorated to an individual’s personal preference. The home also has an activity room, kitchen, and living room all on the main floor with a large porch and deck that is wheelchair accessible. This is a non-smoking home, and pets can be negotiated.
LaDonna has been a provider with Wall Residences for six years and holds a B.S. in Family & Consumer Resources, which emphasizes human development from birth to elder age. She is also a CNA. LaDonna has experience caring for others in addition to fostering the development of organizational and management skills. She is a mother of five children that range in ages from 20 to 33. LaDonna also previously owned a home daycare.
LaDonna’s family would like to welcome another individual into their home to experience an abundance of love, understanding, and patience. LaDonna offers a person-centered service, where the individual’s choice will be valued and respected. The Byrd family live and active and fulfilling lifestyle. There will be plenty of opportunities for an individual to be an active participant in the community if they choose.