For more information on available services, Please contact: Brooke Keen (540) 541-8563
Debbie and Don Carter reside in a 4-bedroom, full accessible group home (Willow Lake) on the outskirts of Hillsville, Virginia. This beautiful home offers spacious and open living spaces, ample personal space, and was fully renovated in 2018 to meet ADA standards. Debbie Carter, as a previous Southwest Virginia Training Center employee, has an extensive background and related experience in supporting individuals with significant physical support needs. The home is located in close proximity to medical facilities including a local hospital and many doctor and dental offices. Willow Lake Group Home offers a Parker Tub and fully accessible van for any transportation needs.
The Carters presently support three females within this service. They are active within their community and cater to specific preferences of each individual. Debbie and Don are anxious to meet those who may like a quiet life, near town, but with privacy in a residential neighborhood.