For information on available services, please call: Ashea Green (202) 760-6411
The Gillis family lives in the heart of Spotsylvania County, just five minutes from shopping, restaurants, gyms, pet stores, craft stores, theaters and so much more! Although they are close to many activities, the home itself is nestled in a wooded, suburban area with a country living feel. The neighborhood is maintained by an HOA and offers a pool, tennis courts, fishing ponds, pavilion, and grill area for residents to enjoy.
The home itself has a spacious, 4,700 square foot, open-floor plan. Living in the home are Mr. and Mrs. Gillis and their two teenage sons. Mrs. Gillis’ father, who is suffering from dementia, also resides in the home, in an apartment on the lower level. The Gillis’ family is a pet loving household and currently have a guinea pig, two ferrets, and two fish tanks.
Mrs. Gillis’ love for supporting individuals with special needs originally came from her father, who worked for over 15 years with special needs adults. Mrs. Gillis has also had six years of professional experience working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, along with the personal experience of raising her oldest son, who has autism.
The family loves amusement parks, zoos, the beach, family game nights, movies, gardening, and just having fun together in a loving and supportive atmosphere.
The Gillis family has shared their home for nearly four years with their current resident, a female individual, whose bedroom is on the main level of the home. They are seeking a female compatible housemate, who will have her own bedroom along with a shared bathroom, on the upper level.