For information on available services, please call: Alex Jackson (434) 610-7578
Marvin and Debbie Boyette have lived in their Amherst County home for 31 years. It has three floors with four bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, a kitchen, dining room, family room, large sunroom, finished basement with a family room, kitchenette, guest room, wraparound porch, 20×40 in-ground pool and a chicken coop, all with a country setting. They have three adult children who are married, one grandchild and one on the way.
The Boyettes have been residential providers with Wall Residences for 15 years. Marvin retired from Columbia Gas of Virginia in 2012. He is gifted carpenter that builds furniture and countertops. He enjoys painting and playing the guitar for relaxation. Debbie was a stay at home mom to their three children and loved every minute of it. Debbie enjoys cooking country foods, making homemade pickles, watching football and doting over members of the household. The Boyettes enjoy trips to the beach, movies, shopping, volunteering, church and family events.
The Boyettes currently assist two individuals, a gentleman and a lady who have resided with them for many years. They currently have one opening to welcome another female into their home. The Boyette style of support is person centered and family based, emphasizing individuality, normalization, and inclusion. They encourage inclusion into the community as a natural way of life and to building on strengths. Everyone in their family unit is treated with upmost dignity and respect. They are welcoming the opportunity to invite another individual to become a member of their household.