For information on available services, please call: Alex Jackson (434) 610-7578
Jerry and Susan Cunningham reside in this four-bedroom, three and 1/2 bath home, along with two individuals that they currently supportand their two dogs, Izzie and Prada. Jerry and Susan have two grown children, Kenzie and Blaine, who no longer reside in the home. Their house is nestled at theedge of the woods which offers privacy yet is only one mile from route 29 in Madison Heights.
Susan is a veteran special education teacher with a bachelor’s degree in special education and psychologyand a master’s degree in special education and instruction. She has several endorsements which include intellectual disabilities, emotional, and behavioral disordersand a certificate in Autism. Susan is very active in her community and takes great pride in the busy service that she provides for the individuals currently residing in her service. Susan hosts several extended-family get-togethers throughout the year including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and numerous birthday parties. The individuals residing in the home participate in day support as well as a variety of community activities and social gatherings. Susan provides transportation to and from day support, as well as transportation for all social opportunities within the community.
Jerry is a master electrician and serves as a superintendent for a local contractor. Jerry also provides supports and services to the individuals that reside in the home and enjoys participating in such activities as fishing, ball games, parties, yard work, and going out to eat with the family.
Jerry and Susan both take pride in the services that they provide for the individuals in their service and would gladly welcome a third person to join their family.