For information on available services, please call: Beth Houck (434) 818-2837
Tony and Cindi Taylor currently serve one individual in their home and have one opening to serve an additional individual. The Taylors both have experience supporting individuals with disabilities through their work with Wall Residences and through their immediate family and friends.
The Taylors have two adult daughters and two beautiful granddaughters who are a central part of their lives. They would enjoy sharing their love, caring, and detailed support of everyday life with another individual. The Taylor’s offer a supportive family atmosphere with a variety of community activities including church, visiting with friends, shopping, dining out, vacations, sporting activities, and volunteering in the community.
Tony and Cindi live in the Forest area in a very quiet and peaceful environment. They live in a quaint and comfortable home and look forward to inviting another individual into their daily lives. Their home is private yet it is centrally located to grocery stores, doctors’ offices, shopping, and many other community activities. They will personalize their service based on the individual’s needs and preferences.