Roanoke, VA.

Shannon and Thomas Patsel – Salem

For more information on available services, Please contact: Brooke Keen (540) 541-8563

Shannon and Tommy Patsel live in Salem. The home is located in an area named Glenvar. The home is a 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home. The home offers all a [...]

Kristen and Adam Camper – Buchanan

For more information on available services, Please contact: Brooke Keen (540) 541-8563

Kristen and Adam Camper live in Buchanan.  Their home is located in the country in a peaceful setting with a creek in the back and cows nearby. The C [...]

Trudi Mardian and Michael Derr – Roanoke

For more information on available services, Please contact: Brooke Keen (540) 541-8563

Greetings!  We are Trudi and Michael, and we can't wait to invite you into our home and our life. To give you an idea about us so you know what to ex [...]

Joe and Susan Lewis – Bedford

For more information on available services, Please contact: Brooke Keen (540) 541-8563

If you are looking for farm living, then welcome to Remuda Valley Ranch. Home of Joe and Susan Lewis. We live on a 42 acre horse farm in Bedford Count [...]