
In this service, up to two individuals live in the home of a professional service provider and become an  integrated part of the family. The family providers  provide most of the needed services, and they may employ other trained and certified workers to assist them with care responsibilities. These substitute workers are thoroughly trained and directed to implement all services as outlined in the Individual Plan for Supports (PFS). This service is offered to adults of all ages and on a case by case basis to individuals under the age of 18.

We offer two service models for group homes. Many of the Wall Residences group home licensed services are provided in the home of a family provider. Several of our family providers have large homes, extensive professional and managerial experience, and several back-up workers to help provide services to up to four people in a home. The professional family and the individuals with disabilities are thoroughly integrated in a large family unit with participation in all of the usual family and community activities that are available to any other community citizen.

The second group home model is based upon the traditional shift based model for people who do not choose to live in a family environment. This model is favored by the individual who prefers or needs the more varied involvement of support of staff who come into the home on a shift-scheduled arrangement. Services in this model are designed to group people who are compatible to live together and may be able to offer peer emotional support. This model of service may be suited to support people who require a more intense level of support, particularly at night, which may overburden a sponsored provider family.

This program provides support to individuals living in their own home, either by themselves or with their natural family. In this program, the individual’s (and where applicable, the family’s) strengths and needs are assessed to determine how the person can best be supported to live as independently as possible, with the maximum quality of life within their own home and community. Individuals who live on their own must be able to function independently most of the time, be able to identify and avoid danger, and know when and how to call for help. Wall Residences provides this service for individuals and families willing to assist in the directing of the service, including identifying, hiring, supervising, and scheduling of staff. This service can be provided to people of all ages.

Services are offered in small groups in the larger community. WRAP services are provided based on the needs and preferences of the individual being served under the direction of a WRAP coordinator and the Direct Support Professionals (DSP) involved.

The activity schedule for the people who receive services is individualized based on their personal preferences routines and support needs. The individual participates in the development of their plan and schedule and is expected to participate in services as planned unless they are ill or other unusual circumstances arise. The individuals supported by Wall Residences are expected to function as independently as possible and to continue learning new skills. WRAP provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships in the community, utilizing the community a learning environment. Activities are conducted at naturally occurring times in a variety of natural settings, affording the individual ample opportunities to interact with persons without disabilities. Direct Support Professionals are matched with individuals to provide support for meaningful planned activities. A schedule of activities created with the individuals input is matched with community DSP’s utilizing scheduling software. Opportunities to participate in the larger community are endless.

Types of activities include (not all inclusive):

Volunteer work – at a food pantry, community clean up, or other neighborhood service

Learning experiences and activities, books on tape, book clubs and art classes, self-help classes

Joining community organizations

Recreation – swimming, bowling, dancing, movies

Peer support groups


Maintain health and wellness – walking, gym membership, and sports activities

Personal care – hair styling, having nails done

Spirituality: worship, meditation, yoga classes

Hobbies: Pet care – walking the dog, gardening, painting, photography

Employment support – help on the job with things such as navigating social cues, establishing priorities or managing time, micro business development.

Employment First: Workplace Assistance

It is expected that all individuals will explore employment opportunities first.  The people supported by Wall Residences are valued people who have gifts to contribute to the larger community. It is important that the individual be encouraged to find ways to spend some of their day in a paid job. Support can be provided to begin a “micro business” such as raising chickens to provide eggs to sell to neighbors or starting a pet sitting business, as examples. Workplace assistance supports an individual with maintaining employment.  Workplace assistance services can be provided to someone who has completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than typical job coach services to maintain stabilization in their employment.  This service is supplemental to job coach services; the job coach still provides professional over-site and coaching.

Wall Residences has licensed clinicians and a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst on staff to provide therapeutic/behavioral consultation as needed, as well as to access additional professional services as needed.

The intensive services provided by our sponsored residential and group home models are often appropriate to meet the needs of individuals with a long term mental illness, in particular, those who are returning to the community from a state or private facility placement. The support service provided is individualized according to the needs and preferences of the individual as outlined in the plan for support. Placements in these services are carefully considered for compatibility and safety of others already living in the environment. Individuals with a long-term mental illness who do not require 24-hour support and supervision, may receive services in their own home according to the needs of the individual and according to the individual’s service plan. A Qualified Mental Health Professional provides training for staff on the needs of the individual and the nature of the mental illness through ongoing supervision. In-service training is provided on the nature of various mental illnesses, treatments, and support appropriate to each mental illness category.

All individuals in our services benefit from the positive emotional support and opportunities for self-expression offered in Wall Residences services. We offer many preventative mental health services such as formally organized “circles of support” to help a person become better connected to their community through relationship building and through fulfilling social activities in the community. The family provider model offers a high level of consistency and continuity to serve persons with a mental illness. The professional family is trained to become an expert on the unique causes and manifestations of the mental illness of each person in their service. In some cases, the family provider model is not appropriate due to the intensity of the illness, and may cause rapid burnout for workers and the behavior may be intolerable within a worker’s home. In these cases, a shift-based model may be developed to support the individual.

Wall Residences is licensed to offer sponsored residential and in-home support services to individuals who are not yet 18. These services are considered on a case by case basis.

Wall Residences Activities ProgramWRAP

Wall Residences Activities Program, WRAP

Wall Residences Activities ProgramWRAP for short, is a community engagement, coaching and workplace assistance service directed by the individual and their person centered plan.  The program supports adults with intellectual disabilities to acquire, retain or improve skills necessary to build positive social behavior, interpersonal competence, greater independence, employ-ability and personal choice. The program is designed to optimize a person’s initiative, autonomy and independence.

Community Engagement:

WRAP provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships in the community, utilizing the community a learning environment.  Activities are conducted at naturally occurring times in a variety of natural settings, affording the individual ample opportunities to interact with persons without disabilities (other than those paid to provide support).  Direct Support Professionals (DSP’s) are matched with individuals to provide support for meaningful planned activities.

Types of activities include:

Volunteering – at a food bank, humane society shelter, community clean up, or other neighborhood service

Learning experiences and activities,  book clubs and art classes, self-help classes

Joining community organizations

Recreation – swimming, bowling, dancing, movies

Maintain health and wellness – walking, gym membership, and sports activities

Spirituality – worship, meditation, yoga classes

WRAP offers both an opportunity for community/social integration and peer interaction.  Specialized supervision provides staff presence for ongoing or intermittent intervention, ensuring an individual’s health and safety.  WRAP serves to reinforce skills taught in educational, vocational, therapy, or other settings through skill building and education in self-direction.  Community collaboration and social connections are developed to support a person with:

Development of self-advocacy skills

Exercise civil rights

Acquisition of skills that promote the ability to exercise self-control and responsibility over services and supports received or needed

Acquisition of skills that enable the individual to become more independent, integrated or productive in the community

Development of communication skills and abilities

Furthering spiritual practices

Participation in cultural activities

Participation in vocational pursuits

Develop appropriate work attitudes

Development of living skills

Development of orientation to the community, mobility, and the ability to achieve the desired destination

Access to and utilization of transportation

Interaction with volunteers from the community in program activities

Career planning to include establishing a career goal

Exploring community job prospects through internship or volunteer practices

Individual participation will vary, although not exceed approved limits.  Payment for services is through the BI/FI/CL Waiver or private pay commensurate with the current waiver rate.

Community Coaching:

Individuals who need 1 on 1 support in order to build a specific skill or set of skills to address a particular barrier preventing them from participating in community engagement can be provided this level of support.  This service is a bridge to the individual’s ability to participate in a more fully integrated community engagement service.

Workplace Assistance:

The service supports an individual with maintaining employment.  Workplace assistance services can be provided to someone who has completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than typical job coach services to maintain stabilization in their employment.  This service is supplemental to job coach services. The job coach still provides professional over-site and coaching.

WRAP services are offered throughout the state in the areas where Wall Residences operates residential services.