Supported Living Services in Virginia

Stability. Autonomy. Dignity. 

Wall’s Supported Living services combine independent housing with 24/7 on call services to help people who face challenges live with stability, autonomy, and dignity.

Ask us about personalized transition planning from the family home to independent living through Supported Living services!

Supported Living Individual with puppy
Supported Living individual on swing

Supported Living for Adults with Disabilities 

Many adults with disabilities are able to live independently with the help of a supportive living program. Wall Residences creates the safety net and adaptive assistance many adults need to thrive in their own housing. 

Our supportive living services in Virginia:

  • Creates a local network of trusted support by a reputable agency with seasoned professionals.
  • Provides 24/7 on call services, allowing the opportunity to live independently with customized, flexible supports when you need them.
  • Assists with appointment scheduling and advocacy with medical professionals to support medical and dental needs.
  • Coordinates reliable transportation to meet your needs.
  • Works with you vs doing for you, respecting your space and privacy. Supported Living fosters true independence and striving for personal goals.

Choose Your Best Fit for Residential Services

  • My Home with Individual Supports
    Individuals are able to remain in their own home or apartment with daily check ins and professional on call support available 24/7.
  • Individual Supportive Housing
    Individuals choose an apartment or home that is subleased from the housing provider using a rent subsidy. Daily checks and professional on call support are available 24/7.
  • Clustered Supportive Housing
    Supported individuals occupy several units in the same property and Supported Living services layer on top to provide security and stability with activities of daily living. Professional staff is available 24/7.

Supported Living Services are available to individuals receiving the FIS or CL waiver.

Current Locations Offering Supportive Living Services for Adults

Charlottesville, Culpeper, Fredericksburg, Loudoun County, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Roanoke, and Salem.

Locations providing Wall Supported Living Services in Virginia

More areas of Virginia will be added as our program expands.


Click Here to Make a Referral

“Wall Supported Living Services has helped my son Brendan learn to live independently by assisting him with food preparation, cleaning and laundry, as well as managing his bills/paperwork. We are lucky that he has these services to consistently learn and improve these skills that many people on the spectrum struggle with. I do not live in Charlottesville and whenever I have a concern, I am able to reach out to his team who can work with my son on whatever he needs to continue to learn to hopefully live completely independently. This way Brendan feels like he is in control without his parents hovering. I am extremely grateful for these services and how the team genuinely cares about Brendan’s feelings while helping him.”

– Kelly, Parent of a Wall Supported Living Client

Valued lives, meaningful living.

Our caring team and quality providers are ready to work with you to give individuals the support they deserve.

Contact Us Today!